Martial Arts Enterprises offers Martial Arts or Action Entertainment Advertising that includes articles, photos and videos, and banner ads on our numerous martial arts websites.
We also have a wonderful directory where you can list your martial arts related schools, businesses, organizations and more called the Martial Arts Schools & Businesses Directory or FindADojo.com website. (See Below)
You can also list your action entertainment related businesses, academies, biographies, and organizations on the Action Entertainment Directory or BreakIntoAction.com, our online web directory created for those working in the action entertainment industry. (See Below)
Martial Arts Newsletters from Martial Arts Enterprises are emailed through Martial Arts Contact to 100,000+ subscribers. (More Info)
USAdojo.com: Visits per month: 62,000+
MartialArtsEntertainment.com: Visits per month: 32,000+
WomenInStunts.com: Brand NEW!!!
Fightcon.com: Visits per month: 26,000+
MartialArtsSchoolsDirectory.com or FindADojo.com: Visits per month: 16,000+
Please review the individual website to see where we use different size banners. Please contact us about available banner ad space before creating and sending artwork.
Banner Ad Sizes

Feature Image 1066 x 550
768 x 90 Banner
468 x 60 Banner
300 x 250 Banner
300 x 125 Banner
300 x 600 Banner

MartialArtsSchoolsDirectory.com or FindADojo.com
Slider 1800 x 600 (we will create this image)
728 x 90 Banner
205 x 90
468 x 60
200 x 190
Text Ads
200 x 50
160 x 50

Feature Image 1066 x 550
Slider 740 x 400 with text (character count 175 characters)
768 x 200 Banner
768 x 90 Banner
315 x 100
300 x 250

728 x 90

Slider 365 x 230 with text (character count 437 characters)

Martial Arts or Action Entertainment Advertising Package Includes:
- Exclusive post created just for your article which links to your website.
- Article synopsis on Home page with a link to article and photos and/or video.
- Article can be posted on different web sites which cover a wide range of content.
MartialArtsSchoolsDirectory.com or FindADojo.com
Martial Arts or Action Entertainment Advertising Package Includes Video and Photo(s)
- Featured Video or Ad on Fightcon.com home page.
- Your video in Fightcon.com’s Products & Services Channel
- Photos and/or Video on home page beside your article
Our Martial Arts Advertising Package includes promotion of articles, listings etc. through our very large Social Network including Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and more.
Martial Arts or Action Entertainment Advertising Package
Add-on Services
Banner Creation
Article writing
Article editing
Video edit and conversion
Additional listing in The Martial Mall on a per click basis
Martial Arts or Action Entertainment Advertising Package Instructions
Email following items to martialartsenterprises (at) gmail (dot) com
All web ready items should have a resolution of 96 DPI or 72 DPI.
Banner Ads sized for individual websites above
Sliders sized for respective websites with necessary text
Text Ads are not necessary
(1) Photo
(1) Article 500 to 750 words
(1) Video – Uploaded on YouTube
Article Photo Sizes
We need one main large photo sized for articles for each website. Other photos can be smaller and in different shapes. Resolution should be 96 DPI or 72 DPI.
USAdojo.com main photo size is 1066 x 550
MartialArtsSchoolsDirectory.com main photo size is 690 x 300
MartialArtsEntertainment.com main photo size is 1066 x 550
Martial Arts or Action Entertainment Advertising Package
Media Formats
Video – Video can be uploaded to YouTube or Vimeo and can be private
Article – TXT, DOCX, DOC, and a PDF file can be sent along with the other format.

Martial arts & Action Entertainment Directories
Martial Arts businesses, schools, organizations and events, including tournaments and seminars, webinars and more can be listed on MartialArtsSchoolsDirectory.com or FindADojo.com. A Black Belt Listing can be added and edited by you at will. A Black Belt Listing costs only $9.99 a month! Your listing will also show on our iPhone and Android Phone Apps. Black Belt Listings on the Martial Arts Schools Directory include Groupon style “Deals” you can offer potential clients. Your Black Belt Listings and Articles can easily be shared on Facebook and through other Social Networks. (Features)